What Counts?

So as I continue in my job search I have strated to think about differnt jobs and what counts most when it comes to differnt benefits.  I have worked for a couple differnt smaller companies, and love them so much but not for their benefits.  That is one downside to small companies, the lack of strong benefits.  But on the other end of the spectrum, some big companies have some crazy benefits!  Outside of Health, Retirements, Vacation etc….  Google, on top of the basics, is rumored to have various eating and drinking establishments all in the building (and FREE).  Health club, massage studio, daycare….all for FREE.  Thats just the begining.  For me the job is the most improtant part, obviously.  But even if you hated your job it would be pretty hard to leave if you were working out, eating drinking, and getting your kids taken care of FREE.

~ by heidizuehlke on March 2, 2009.

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